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Native Advertising with Outbrain – It’s the Trust that Matters

Successful Native Advertising with Outbrain - It's the Trust that Matters via @alisammeredithI’m running a little Outbrain campaign for a client. In the past, we didn’t get great results, so I reached out to Outbrain and asked them to be on the Superheroes of Marketing podcast and beforehand help me run a successful campaign so I can be positive about it. Sneaky, huh? I got some really great tips right from Will and look forward to having him on the show.

Outbrain Quick Tips for Success:

The Purpose of Outbrain:

If exposure and expanding your audience is your goal, consider Outbrain. You can get a huge amount of exposure for a small investment. Clicks are affordable as well (I started at $.60/click).  While often the end goal of marketing is leads, this type of marketing is great for say, retargeting. If you want to use retargeting for say, Facebook ads, Outbrain is a good way to expand your reach – allowing you to market to Outbrain visitors when they go to Facebook. Nice!

Types of Content Which Are Great for Outbrain Promotion:

While you might think only of blog posts (landing pages are not generally accepted, but you can have a form on the page), there are some other options which might be very effective for you:

A/B (C/D/E) Testing with Outbrain – It’s The Trust that Matters:

You’re creating five headlines and using different images, so you try things you don’t think will work. I did. And guess what? The one image I thought would flop actually has the best conversion rate by far. It has the company logo on it very clearly. My takeaway? People are suspicious of these “native ads,” so if you give them a clue about who you really are, they seem to be more likely to click.

I’d love to know how it works for you.

Ralph’s Post of the Day:

Video. The Worst Thing For Your Marketing. Maybe.

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I've been creating marketing strategies for years - for both B2C and B2B businesses, formerly as co-owner and chief strategist of a HubSpot partner agency, and since 2015 right here. I have a passion for businesses that make the world a better place in ways large and small, and the people who run those businesses are the ones I enjoy working with. I am slightly obsessed with Pinterest. Not just because it is fun, but because it works amazingly well for traffic and lead generation.