Are you using Pinterest for your local business? Would you like to attract an audience who could visit your local storefront, restaurant, service business, or event center and become your next customers? The challenge for local businesses on Pinterest is that people from anywhere can find your pins, repin them, like them, and visit your site. But if your funky café is in ... Read More
Twitter Share Counts Gone, Social Proof, and Buzz Sumo
Notice anything different on your favorite blogs? Wondering where your Twitter share counts have gone? They've flown the coop. That's right. All those social sharing buttons that show people how many readers (I'm being optimistic) are sharing to Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, and Pinterest are accompanied by a big fat nothing from Twitter. Twitter Share Counts Disappearing - Who ... Read More
Blab Live Streaming – Content Creation and Podcasting Just Got Easier
Last week, my buddy Vincent Ng asked me if I wanted to join a Blab with him and Jeff Sieh. I had some vague idea that Blab was another live streaming platform like Meerkat or Periscope, but one that would allow interactive conversations and rotating guests. Cool! The topic? Using Pinterest to drive traffic to your site. I'm in! Today was the big day. Not really sure how it ... Read More
Is it Possible to be TOO Real? The Great Periscope Debate
Live streaming apps Meerkat and Periscope allow for the simplest video broadcasting available to date. So simple anyone can do it, almost any time and almost anywhere. My pal Ralph Rivera has railed against the Periscope monster and I have pushed back. I find that it is a great way to interact live with people who are interested in what you have to say. My main use for the ... Read More
5 Ways to Use Visual Marketing to Promote Your Business
The fact that visual marketing is crazy powerful is not news anymore. We can see it everywhere we go. Video, .gifs, images - anything pretty and easy to digest is working. In an effort to kick of our upcoming Visual Social Media Conference, Jeff Sieh, Vincent Ng and I teamed up to give a basic overview of the power of visuals - along with some tips marketers can use now. ... Read More